About Me
Hi, I’m Mel, the face behind She Be Thriving. I’m here to help you thrive in your relationship with yourself & the people in your life.

My Story
Okay, not gonna lie. It took a lot of back and forth to finally put a face to this blog, and it’s slightly terrifying. So please bear with me as I introduce myself, haha.
When I first started this blog, I was really struggling with my relationship with myself and the people in my life. I was struggling with an ED, had major social anxiety, and found myself in repeated toxic relationships with men.
I would question, who am I to even create this blog and write on personal development when behind-the-scenes, I felt so distant from the person who was showing up on here.
Fast forward to today, it took a whole rollercoaster of heartbreak and tough life lessons to pull myself out of these toxic relationships and learn to love myself. Unfortunately, sometimes, you just have to go through tough sh*t to really learn from your mistakes, and that was my journey. I became more quick to notice the red flags in men rather than latching onto every guy that gave me attention.
Through years of therapy and personal growth, I’m in a much better place now. I’m in the healthiest relationship I’ve ever been in (he’s great haha). I’m solo traveling and experiencing the joys of meeting new people (2 years ago I would’ve never imagined doing this lol).
I’m choosing to thrive in this season of my life, which I think fits the purpose of this blog so well. Is my life perfect? Heck to the no, haha. I still have things I’m healing from and life lessons yet to be learned.
But I hope She Be Thriving can inspire you to feel more confident about yourself and your relationships. Whether that’s choosing an outfit for your next date or going on a fun solo date, I want you to feel empowered. This SBT community is one that I’m so grateful to be a part of, and I never want to take it for granted.
If there’s anything I could leave you with after reading this long intro: life is really what you make of it. So go out there and thrive! 🙂