80 Funny First Date Questions To Make Each Other Laugh
Going on a first date in a while? How exciting!
First dates can be exciting, nerve-wracking, fun, and unpredictable – it’s all about how you approach your first dates that can really determine your experience.
Are you going for a more light-hearted date to take off the anxiety and pressure?
It’s always a good idea to keep it light-hearted and casual, especially on a first date.
That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 80 funny first date questions you can ask each other to take off that anxiety and pressure!
Laughter is the best medicine to cure first date nerves and anxiety.
These first date questions are categorized into questions you can ask him and questions you can ask her.
Get ready to get some laughs in with these first date questions!

This post is all about funny first date questions to ask each other.
How do you have a fun conversation on a first date?
Start with a positive attitude and try to stay relaxed.
A smile and a friendly demeanor go a long way in creating a comfortable atmosphere. Instead of asking yes-or-no questions, ask questions that require more detailed answers.
This can lead to more in-depth discussions and help you learn more about each other. Share interesting and amusing anecdotes from your life. This can help your date get to know you better and create opportunities for shared laughter.
Give sincere compliments. Compliments not only make your date feel good but also open up avenues for interesting conversations.
Stick to light topics on the first date. Avoid sensitive or controversial subjects that could potentially lead to disagreements.
Funny First Date Questions to Ask Him
1. If you could swap lives with any fictional character for a day, who would it be and why?
2. What’s the weirdest food combination you’ve ever tried and actually liked?
3. What’s the worst pick-up line you’ve heard?
4. Do you have a go-to dance move that you bust out when nobody’s watching?
5. If your life was a sitcom, what would the theme song be and why?
6. What’s the most bizarre hobby you’ve ever attempted or considered trying?
7. Have you ever been on a midnight snack raid?
8. If you could have any animal as a pet that you could magically communicate with, what would it be and why?
9. What’s the strangest place you’ve found something you’ve lost?
10. If you were a meme, what caption would be underneath your picture?
11. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you want to have with you?
12. What’s the most ridiculous souvenir you’ve ever bought while traveling?
13. If you could have a dinner party with any historical figure, who would you invite and what would you serve?
14. Share your most hilarious travel mishap or misadventure.
15. If you could have a famous dancer or musician perform in your backyard, who would it be?
16. If your personality were a type of food, what would it be and why?
17. What’s the weirdest dish you’ve ever tried and what was your reaction?
18. What’s something you find interesting that other people might not think otherwise?
19. If you could invent a new ice cream flavor, what kind of ingredients would it have?
20. If you could have any job in the world, what would you be?
21. If you could have any celebrity be your personal assistant for a day, what tasks would you want them to do?
22. What’s the craziest conspiracy theory you secretly wish were true?
23. What’s one of your cringiest moments you’ve had?
24. What’s the most embarrassing song on your playlist that you secretly love?
25. If you had to replace the handshake as a greeting, what would your new greeting be?
26. If you were a meme, what caption would be underneath your picture?
27. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done to impress someone?
28. Would you rather eat pizza your whole life or cake your whole life?
29. What’s a funny childhood memory that never fails to make you smile?
30. If you could choose a different first name for yourself, what would it be?

Funny First Date Questions To Ask Her
1. If you had to live as a certain food for the rest of your life, what would you be?
2. What’s the most hilarious thing that’s happened to you recently?
3. What’s a childhood memory that never fails to make you laugh?
4. What’s your go-to dance move when you’re trying to impress someone?
5. If there’s a song that makes you want to dance, what song is it?
6. If you could win a gold medal in any made-up Olympic sport, what would it be and why?
7. What’s the most random skill you’ve mastered?
8. What’s the funniest memory you’ve had recently?
9. Do you have any quirky collections or interests that always spark conversations?
10. If your life was a sitcom, who would play the quirky neighbor character?
11. What’s the last thing you did for the first time?
12. What’s the most hilarious souvenir you’ve ever brought back from a trip?
13. If you were a tour guide for a day and someone started singing loudly while you were talking, what would you do?
14. Share a funny travel mishap or a memorable “wrong turn” story.
15. If you had a teleportation device, but it only worked to take you to fictional locations, where would you go first?
16. What’s the strangest food combination you’ve ever tried and actually enjoyed?
17. If you could have a personal chef for a day, what outrageous meals would you request?
18. Have you ever attempted a difficult recipe and ended up with a cooking disaster?
19. If your favorite food had a theme song, what would it sound like?
20. What’s the most embarrassing restaurant experience you’ve ever had?
21. What’s your go-to karaoke song?
22. What’s the most unusual talent you’ve discovered about yourself while binge-watching TV?
23. If you could turn any book into a comedy movie, which book would it be and who would you cast as the lead?
24. What’s your guilty pleasure movie that you secretly love to watch?
25. If your life had a movie title, what would it be and what genre would it belong to?
26. If you could have any animal as a pet that was able to talk to you, what would it be and what would you talk about?
27. What’s the craziest item on your bucket list?
28. If you had a magic remote control that could rewind, pause, or fast forward real-life moments, how would you use it?
29. What’s the most random thing you’ve ever Googled?
30. If you could switch lives with any historical figure for a day, who would it be and what would you do?

Funny Online First Date Questions To Ask Each Other
1. If you could only listen to one genre of music for the rest of your life, what would it be?
2. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever Googled?
3. What picture online describes your personality?
4. If you heard someone fart next to you, what would you do?
5. If you could have any animal as a sidekick, what would it be and what would you name it?
6. What’s one of the most ridiculous things you’ve done in your life to impress someone?
7. If your life were a sitcom, what would the title be and who would play you?
8. Would you rather fight one ginormous duck or a hundred miniature horses?
9. If you had to describe your personality using emojis, which ones would you choose?
10. What’s the craziest news article or story you’ve read or watched online?
11. Who is an influencer you follow online that makes you laugh a lot?
12. What’s your guilty pleasure song that you blast when you’re alone in the car?
13. If you could trade lives with a movie character for a day, who would it be and why?
14. What’s your weirdest habit that you only do when nobody’s around?
15. If you could teleport to any place right now, where would you go and why?
16. What’s the silliest conspiracy theory you secretly wish were true?
17. If you could have any celebrity as your personal assistant, who would it be and what tasks would you have them do?
18. What’s the most unusual skill you’ve mastered during quarantine?
19. What’s the most random food combination you’ve ever had?
20. Would you rather have to sing everything you say or dance every time you walk?
Things To Keep In Mind For Your First Date
Some things to keep in mind when it comes to asking questions on your first date.
Final Thoughts About Funny First Date Questions
So there you have it! Here are 80 funny first date questions you can ask each other for a good time of laughter and memories.
Remember to just have fun and keep it light-hearted. Essentially, you’re both just getting to know each other, so take the pressure off of yourself.
Enjoy the process of dating!
We’re curious to know, which one of these funny first date questions do you plan to ask your date? 🙂
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This post was all about funny first date questions.