57 Best Monthly Goal Ideas to Change Your Life
57 Best Monthly Goal Ideas to Change Your Life
When the year is about to end, January 1st is when many people commit to their New Year’s Resolutions. However, one of the biggest issues with New Year’s resolutions is that these long-term goals can be very open-ended and unrealistic.
I remember I would create a list of resolutions of all the things I wanted to start during the new year, but boy, was that list super duper long. It was the dopamine rush for me. I imagined all the goals I was determined to take on to change my life, but without a defined timeframe, I was only setting myself up for failure.
So that’s when I started to focus on setting monthly goals, which actually helped me get to where I wanted to be in life.
You’ve probably heard of the popular 30 day challenges such as the 30 day no added sugar challenge, Matt D’Avella’s 30 day experiments, and The 30 day journaling challenge. The list goes on and on. But why are monthly goals are so popular and essential for goal setting?

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Why You Need Monthly Goals
As the famous Napoleon Hill says, “”A goal is a dream with a deadline.” Setting monthly goals give us a designated deadline to create, break down, and follow through with an action plan.
We’ve probably have heard the popular notion that it takes approximately 21 days to change a habit. However, this study shows that a new behavioral change takes an average of 66 days. The study also emphasized that an individual’s variability ranged from 18 to 254 days, which shows that the length of time for a new habit to form is different for everyone.
With that said, consistency is key. A 30-day challenge is a good timeframe to be consistent with your goals. It also allows you to focus on one specific goal that is sustainable to maintain long-term.
In the first part of this article, I’ll teach you how to set monthly goals that drive consistent action. The second part is a list of monthly goal ideas you can choose from to try! I’ve split these goals based on different life areas such as health, career/business, personal development, and finance.
There’s even a FREE printable at the end for you to download – so keep reading!
How To Set Monthly Goals
Set SMART Goals
A SMART goal stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Bound.
This blog post goes more in-depth with how to set SMART goals and gives specific examples of what they look like.
For example, let’s say one of your monthly goals is to start going to the gym more. “Going to the gym more” is a very vague goal, so how do we make this into a SMART goal?
If you’re currently going twice a week, you can set a goal to go 4 times a week. So your SMART goal can be, I will work out for at least thirty minutes 4x a week at the gym.

Create actionable steps for your monthly goals
Once you’ve written down your SMART goal, your next step is to create action steps. It’s difficult to move forward with a goal without any action plan. So let’s use the previous example of going to the gym.
Here’s an example:
Your monthly goal – I will work out for at least thirty minutes 4x a week at the gym.
Let’s say you want to workout in the morning.
Your action steps could be:
- Prepare gym clothes the night before and place them in the bathroom.
- Set an alarm to wake up to exercise.
- Put my phone across the room so this will force me to get out of bed and get ready.
- Hydrate and eat a light pre-workout snack before heading out.
You can see how specific each action step is. This is a very realistic example of how I plan my goals. Since I can easily get overwhelmed by a seemingly big goal, I need to break it down to bite-sized tasks that they almost seem too achievable.
Establish a check-in & reward system
In order to be consistent with your goals, you want to create a check-in and reward system. This will help you stay motivated and disciplined to keep moving forward.
For example, you can set a reminder on your calendar to check-in with yourself on a Saturday to see how you feel mentally and physically after going to the gym. If you’ve noticed any progress, write it down. This will both encourage and motivate you in the long run.
A reward system can look like taking a nature walk at the end of every week, going to the beach, joining a yoga class, taking yourself out on a date, planning a hangout with friends, etc. Rewards give you something to look forward to when you meet your goals.
Keep in mind, even if you don’t meet your goal for that week, it’s okay. The goal isn’t to be perfect, but to better yourself and challenge yourself. And that’s exactly what you’re doing by setting your monthly goals and taking action!
57 Best Monthly Goal Ideas to Change Your Life

Monthly Career/Business Goals
- Update your LinkedIn profile – Maybe it’s about time to update your LinkedIn profile which can help you get noticed by more employers looking to hire
- Start a blog – Why not start a side hustle and spend 30 days committed to seeing where this could take you? If you don’t know where to start, I’d recommend using Bluehost to create your website.
- Attend networking events – When you network with others, you can create more connections with people who could potentially help you advance in your career.
- Get professional headshots – Not only will a professional headshot make you stand out in a crowd of resumés, but it establishes your brand and online presence.
- Grow your leadership skills – Whether that’s learning how to effectively communicate with your team, manage a business, or improve your public speaking skills, developing your leadership skills will increase your confidence as a leader.
- Update your resume – Learn how to create a stronger resume that could boost your job opportunities.
- Use the Pomodoro technique for productivity – If you want to improve your focus at work, try the Pomodoro method for 30 days.
- Enroll in an online course – If you want to advance your career, taking an online class can help you improve your skills.
- Read leadership/business books – Read 1-2 books from entrepreneurs and leaders who have had years of experience and knowledge in the work industry.
- Create an effective, organization strategy to grow your business – If you find yourself procrastinating on important things you need to do, spend 30 days creating a productive system that will keep you on track and more organized.

Monthly Health/Fitness Goals
- Cut out caffeine for a month -If you find yourself addicted to caffeine, research has shown the health benefits of limiting caffeine intake. This doesn’t mean you have to cut it out forever, but if you’re up for a 30-day caffeine free challenge, why not give it a try?
- Increase your water intake – Struggling to drink more water? Try these genius hacks that will encourage you to drink more water everyday.
- Meal prep for a month – Save money and save more time by learning how to meal prep before the start of the week.
- Go to bed earlier – Trying to get 7-8 hours of sleep for a month straight might seem like an intimidating goal if you usually get less than 7 hours. Instead, try sleeping 15-30 minutes earlier every week until you can be consistent with it.
- Exercise more – Find different physical activities that you might enjoy. Don’t force yourself to do something you don’t like, but if you find yourself living a very sedentary lifestyle, this is an opportunity to be more active.
- Walk more – You can download this app to set a goal for how many steps you walk daily. Walking is highly beneficial for your overall health.
- Take on a 5k marathon challenge – If you really want to challenge yourself mentally and physically with a goal in mind, why not train for a 5k marathon?
- Do the 30-day push up challenge – Want to build your arm strength and grow those muscles? Take on the push-up challenge and just imagine the physical growth you’ll feel and see!
- Eat breakfast every morning – There are definitely benefits of starting your day with a nutritious meal. Believe it or not, a big breakfast helps you burn more calories throughout the day.
- Try a new form of exercise – Whether it’s yoga, HIIT, pilates, weight lifting, or swimming, try something new and have fun with it!

Monthly Spiritual Goals
- Follow a monthly Bible reading plan – If you have a desire to read the Bible, but have no idea where to start, click on the link to choose from a monthly Bible reading plan.
- Incorporate prayer into your daily routine – Carve out time within your day to spend time dedicated to prayer.
- Start a gratitude journal – Practicing gratitude can actually positively rewire your brain.
- Attend church services more frequently – If you struggle to attend Sunday service, set a goal to start going every Sunday of the month.
- Get involved with the church community – Community is essential not only for your spiritual life, but mental health as well. Push yourself to get involved with your church by volunteering, attending fellowship, and joining small groups.
- Read spiritual growth books – Want to grow your faith? Make it a goal to learn more about your faith by reading spiritual growth books.
- Memorize Scripture for 30 days – Memorizing Scripture is a great challenge, especially if you want to memorize certain Bible verses to encourage you.
- Find a mentor or be a mentor – According to Lifeway, 68% of young adults at church agreed that receiving advice from people who had similar life experiences to them was important. This shows that many young adults value a relationship with older adults who have learned from these experiences.
- Unfollow social media pages that promote the wrong message
- Follow social media pages that promote the right message

Monthly Finance Goals
- Try a no-spend week within the month – Challenge yourself to not spend any money on fast food, drinks, except maybe for gas or essential needs.
- Stop buying things you don’t need – We all have things we want, but don’t necessarily need.
- Create a monthly budget and stick to it – Having a budget will help you save money and cut down on expenses you don’t need to be spending money on.
- Eat out less – Just like buying coffee, eating out often can add up quickly. By meal prepping or choosing to cook more, you’ll be able to save a lot more.
- Lower your debt – If you plan it out, you’ll be able to manage your finances wisely and reduce your debt.
- Learn more about money management – If you struggle to manage your finances, establish a solid foundation in money management.
- Say “no” more – Whether that’s going out with friends and feeling pressured to spend money, remind yourself that you have the freedom to say “no” and still have a good time.
- Learn about investing in stocks – If you’re interested in investing in stocks, read more about how to invest.
- Sell your old clothes – If your closet is filled with clothes you haven’t worn in 5 years, why not make extra money by selling them online?
- Use the cash envelope system – Using a cash envelope will force you to visualize how much cash you have left to spend, which makes your budget tangible.

Monthly Personal Development Goals
- Learn a new skill – If you’ve been wanting to develop a new skill, make a list of what you want to try and pick one to start off.
- Implement reading into your routine – There are many benefits of reading. You don’t have to be an avid reader, but books could actually be a new form of entertainment in the best way.
- Cut down on screen time – Limit your screen time if you find yourself spending way too much time on Netflix, texting, etc.
- Start volunteering – Here are 13 ways you can start volunteering in your community.
- Start a side hustle – Maybe you’ve been wanting to start a new hobby or pursue your passion. Go for it!
- Practice self-compassion – If you find it difficult to speak to yourself with kindness and compassion, I highly recommend this book that will teach you how to get started.
- Get out of your comfort zone – When you choose to step out of your comfort zone, you’ll start to become more confident in your mental growth.
- Prioritize your mental health – I’m a huge advocate for mental health, so whether that’s cutting out toxic people in your life or starting therapy, your mental health is worth it!
- Practice self-care – Taking care of yourself is essential to your overall wellbeing.
- Do a media detox – If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed or stressed from social media, reduce the amount of time you spend on social media and take time away for yourself.

Monthly Relationship Goals
- Do new activities with your significant other – Try something different with your partner! In the future, you both can look back and cherish these fun memories together.
- Try going on dating apps – If your dating life has been a little dry lately (which there’s nothing to be ashamed of), why not test the waters and give dating apps a try if you’ve never been on them before.
- Plan a vacation with your partner – Spending quality time with your partner in a different environment is a fun way to change and spice things up!
- Practice listening more – Listening is just as important as communicating in any relationship. Your partner will feel appreciated when you tune in to listen to their thoughts and needs.
- Prepare a special meal for your partner – This could be a bi-weekly or monthly thing where you can choose to surprise your partner with a thoughtful, home-cooked meal.
- Prioritize each other – This seems like a given, but sometimes life and other priorities can get in the way of a relationship. Work and communicate with your partner to make each other a priority.
- Understand each other’s love language – Create a goal to understand each other’s love language and start doing things that speak into your language styles. I highly recommend reading 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman, who teaches you how to know and understand a partner’s love language.
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