How To Glow Up Mentally and Physically: 25 Best Tips
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I’m sure we’ve all come across the phrase ‘glow up’ or ‘how to glow up‘ on social media.
Whether that’s hitting the gym or taking your skincare routine seriously, the idea of ‘glowing up’ can apply physically and mentally.
To clarify, my definition of ‘glowing up’ is essentially taking care of yourself physically and mentally. It’s this combination of both self-care and personal growth.
So who’s ready to glow up with me this year?!
Now’s the best time to start with these 25 ways on how to glow up mentally and physically!
This post is all about how to glow up mentally and physically.

25 Best Tips For You To Glow Up
How To Glow Up Mentally

Tip 1: Practice gratitude
When we practice gratitude, we naturally become happier because we’re not focusing on the negative.
My therapist told me that practicing gratitude can actually change the way you start to think.
If you automatically think negative thoughts, gratitude can start changing your thoughts to become more neutral and then more positive through time.
This well-known, five-minute journal is perfect for building gratitude as a practice in your daily routine.
The goal is to be consistent with practicing gratitude and you’ll eventually feel better mentally!
Tip 2: Get organized
Clutter and messiness in our life can create overwhelm and make us more stressed.
Being more organized makes us feel more centered and focused throughout our days.
If you want to learn how to glow up mentally, you need to start getting more organized. This can look like learning how to plan and organize your goals, clean your room, or sort your digital files.
I’m not saying overdo it and organize everything in your life because you might turn into a control freak and that’ll actually create more stress for you.
Start small and organize an area of your life that you know needs it!
Tip 3: Don’t stop learning
This is such an attractive tip (lol). I don’t know about you, but when I meet anyone who enjoy learning and has a growth mindset… I find that soo attractive.
Maybe it’s because it shows me that these people I meet are ambitious, confident, and want to keep growing as a person. And it makes me want to learn more about them and actually be more like them, too!
So don’t stop learning for fun! Learn more about things that make you curious, whether that’s reading personal development books or learning to play an instrument.

Tip 4: Do more of the things you enjoy
Just like learning, incorporate more of the things you enjoy in your life! When you do activities you enjoy, you’ll naturally learn how to glow up mentally because you’ll be happier.
Maybe that looks like working out for you, laughing with a friend, playing the guitar, going kayaking, etc. Research has shown that feel-good activities release happy hormones that will put us in a better mood.
So do the things you love to do and do it because you want to, not because you think you should!

Tip 5: Spend more time with your loved ones
Spending time with people you enjoy being around with boosts the serotonin and dopamine chemicals in your brain.
If you don’t regularly see your loved ones, reach out and ask to make plans with them. Or if they live far away, schedule a phone call with them!
As someone who struggles with social anxiety, this can be difficult for me. But I know that hanging out with my friends always makes me feel better afterwards.

Tip 6: Practice self-compassion
It’s interesting how easy it is for us to give compassion to others at times, but not ourselves. In fact, wouldn’t you say we are our worst critic?
When we mess up or say something we regret, it’s easy to get in our heads about it.
I can agree that based on my personal experience with anxiety and depression, I tend to have lower levels of self-compassion.
When I stumbled across Kristin Neff’s self compassion workbook, the exercises started to change the way I would talk to myself. Obviously, it wasn’t overnight and sometimes I forget how to give myself compassion, especially when my anxiety is bad. But I have noticed improvement in my self-talk.
Self-compassion is a skill that you have to develop, and it takes time. But I know that the benefits of self-compassion are so much greater than not trying at all.
Tip 7: Read more
Reading has many benefits such as reducing stress, strengthens your brain, and prevents cognitive decline. Whether you choose to read a fiction novel, a nonfiction book, or a personal development book, you”ll still be reaping the benefits of reading.
Read more to glow up mentally! Even if you read 10 pages per day, you can learn so much from reading.

Tip 8: Journal
Journaling is a good habit to build because it definitely will glow you up! Not only does journaling reduce stress, but it makes you feel mentally ready to start your day.
I usually journal in the mornings, but I also have a gratitude journal, so my journaling practice is me writing down what I’m grateful for.
I personally don’t like soft cover journals and prefer leather or hard cover journals so they feel more sturdy and easier to flip pages. If you’re looking for a journal, I love this leather bound journal and highly recommend.
And if you’re looking for journaling prompts, these 20 prompts are perfect to get you started!
Tip 9: Try therapy
I’m a huge advocate for therapy. A therapist can help provide you the necessary tools to support you with your mental health.
A huge glow up mentally can look like improving your mental health, and sometimes a mental health professional can help us do that.
If you have attempted to find a therapist but with no luck, do not give up.
I’ve had several bad experiences with my past therapists and it took me more than 2 years to find my current therapist who I’m so grateful for now!
Do not give up because your mental health is worth the effort and time.
Tip 10: Practice self-care
Self-care is one of the best ways to glow up mentally.
It’s a form of self-love and kindness towards yourself that will make you feel better internally.
I encourage you to implement a self-care activity to your daily routine. It can be something as simple as taking a walk outside for 10 minutes or giving yourself a scalp massage.

Tip 11: Step out of your comfort zone
Last but not least, I had to add this glow up tip in.
After all, how can you glow up mentally without stepping out of your comfort zone?!
Glowing up mentally sometimes requires doing uncomfortable things such as going to social events, meeting new people, trying new things, etc.
It’s not usually sitting at home and watching movies or listening to music.
You learn how to glow up mentally by doing difficult things that shape you into becoming a better version of yourself.
So step out of your comfort zone and give yourself a chance to glow up from the inside and out.
Let’s move onto how you can ‘glow up’ physically. It’s important for me to note that I’m not talking about getting a six-pack, flat abs, a plump booty, going on a diet, etc.
Essentially, I want you to feel more confident, stronger, and good about yourself!
How To Glow Up Physically

Tip 12: Drink More Water
If you want to glow up physically, one of the key things you need to do is drink more water, especially if you don’t hydrate with water that much.
How many of us are guilty of grabbing a cup of coffee or tea first thing in the morning? I’m definitely guilty of this (oops).
Not only does drinking water improve your skin texture, but it also boosts your mood and energy. So drinking water also helps you mentally as well (a win-win).
One thing that has helped me drink more water is investing in a water bottle that you love using. Here is the water bottle I use that contains 64oz, which could literally last me the whole day!
Tip 13: Exercise (but make sure you enjoy it)
This is a pretty obvious one, but exercising not only gives you more energy, but it also makes you look more youthful (science even says so).
But make sure it’s a physical activity you actually enjoy. Whether that’s swimming, dancing, weightlifting, or yoga, do it because you want to!
If exercising isn’t part of your weekly routine, why not start now since it’s the perfect way to glow up physically and mentally!
I also have this FREE fitness planner that will get you started on your fitness goals! The planner contains a fitness goal tracker, a monthly calendar, weekly workout schedule, and a daily workout planner. AND IT’S FREE, SO GET IT WHILE YOU CAN!
Get the FREE Fitness Planner Now!
Tip 14: Go on outdoor walks
By going on outdoor walks, you’re getting that Vitamin D, which boosts your immune system and improves your focus. Not only that, but research has shown that walking helps you lose weight.
Even if it’s only 15-20 minutes a day, you’ll feel more rejuvenated after a peaceful walk outdoors.
Better yet, walk your dog or listen to a podcast if you want to do something while getting those steps in.

Tip 15: Start a skincare routine
Let’s get that skin glowing! If you’ve never really taken the time to update your skincare routine, why not start now?
I used to have bad acne in middle school and high school, which made me really focus in on the skincare products I was using. Ever since I started taking care of my skin, I rarely have break-outs (**but I will say hormonal changes can be an important factor**).
Here is my recommendation if you’re just getting started with your skincare routine.
- Try this popular gentle cleanser. It has glycolic acid, which is perfect for refining, deep cleaning, and promoting a more radiant complexion.
- After cleansing, you want to use a toner, which helps deep clean your skin to remove any bacteria, dirt, and sweat. I’ve been using this super cheap toner for years now and I LOVE it. It removes dirt, makeup, and oil so well. I also love that it’s fragrance-free, since I have sensitive, combination skin.
- I’d encourage you to just keep it simple with your skincare routine. I’ve heard great reviews about this Korean oil-free moisturizer brand. I personally haven’t tried their moisturizer, but I’ve tried their pimple patches and literally the redness and swelling from my pimples would go away the next day for me. So I definitely trust this brand!
In terms of additional facial products you can add to your routine, here are my recommendations:
- You can use facial masks once per week to keep your skin hydrated. It’s the perfect way to get that glowy, radiant skin. If you don’t want to purchase facial masks, you can definitely DIY your own and save that money.
So those are my recommendations in terms of taking care of your skin!
Keep it simple, but don’t be afraid to try different products to see what works for you. Just make sure there aren’t harmful ingredients/chemicals, so keep an eye out on their list of ingredients.
Tip 16: Sleep earlier
When they say get that ‘beauty sleep,’ there’s a reason why. According to research, sleep helps you have a glowing complexion, less puffy eyes, and healthier hair. It also produces new collagen which makes your skin tighter and reduces wrinkles.
Get that beauty sleep and you’ll be feeling a lot better mentally and physically the next day!
Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Consider investing in these earplugs (I have these ones since I’m a light sleeper) to tune out any noise or a white noise machine which helps you fall asleep faster.
Related: 28 Productive Things To Do Before Bed Instead Of Social Media

Tip 17: Eat more fruits and veggies
If you’re not intaking enough vitamins and nutrients, try eating more fruits and veggies during your meal.s
Your skin will be glowing because what you eat does reflect and show from your outer appearance.
I’m not saying to restrict what you eat because I’m a sucker for sweets, and I also believe in a balanced diet.
To eat more fruits and veggies, you can try adding more fruits and spinach to your breakfast smoothies or substituting/adding vegetables as a side if you’re eating out.
Tip 18: Have a haircare routine
The health of our hair can make a huge difference for our appearance.
Looking back on old photos of myself, I felt so bad for my hair (lol). This might sound so unhygienic, but I rarely would brush my hair in high school, which made my hair super tangled and brittle. It also didn’t help that I was in the swim team, so the chlorine really dried out my hair.
I recently dyed my hair back to my root color because I wanted to make it look healthier.
Twice a week, I’ll put this biotin hair growth serum on my scalp and massage it in to stimulate my hair roots. I love that it doesn’t make my hair look greasy since I genetically have thin, oily hair.
I’ve been doing this hair routine for a couple months now, and I’ve already noticed my hair looking fuller and healthier!

Tip 19: Change up your wardrobe
Wear clothes that you’ve been wanting to try. What we wear can transform our confidence and the way we see ourselves.
Changing up your wardrobe can be a fun experiment. Take yourself on a shopping spree or go thrift shopping! Donate clothes that don’t make you feel good or sell them online
Now’s the time to start wearing what makes you feel confident and amazing in your own body!
Tip 20: Try a natural makeup routine
Sometimes the idea of less is more applies to our makeup routine, too. I remember when the ‘no make-up make-up’ trend was blowing up on Youtube.
Play with your features and learn how to make your distinct features pop!
Try something different and see how you feel!

Tip 21: Smile more
It’s surprising and kind of sad to know that the older we get, the less we smile. Research has shown that children smile about 400 times/day. The average happy adult smiles around 40-50 times/day and the typical adult smiles only 20 times/day.
Smiling 20 times a day?! That is not a lot.
Want to glow up more? Then try smiling more. Think of things that make you smile and laugh. Is it dancing? Watching a funny movie? Hanging out with friends? Do more of those things.
I challenge you to smile more at people, too. Whether that’s your co-workers, the cashier helping you, or your neighbors, go ahead and give them a smile.
On a side note, I do put on teeth whitening strips because I drink a lot of coffee (lol). And it makes me more confident in my smile. Otherwise, I’d be smiling with a ton of coffee teeth stains (HAHA). I will say these teeth whitening strips are pretty pricey, but they last me 8-10 months since I put them on only once a week and they do the job!
Tip 22: Wear sunscreen
This is definitely a glow up tip I am working on myself. Many beauty gurus and skincare experts have been emphasizing how important wearing sunscreen is.
I can’t believe I went last summer barely wearing sunscreen, but going out so often in the sun. So this year, I’m really trying to keep sunscreen as a part of my skincare routine.
I use this oil-free, fragrance-free sunscreen after I moisturize my skin.
So use that sunscreen to prevent getting skin cancer and improve your skin texture!
Tip 23: Improve your posture
When you stand a little straighter instead of slouching, it’s crazy how that subtle shift in posture can make you appear and feel more confident.
If you naturally have bad posture or back problems, I recommend stretching and incorporating movements to improve your posture. The more consistent you are with stretching, the more your posture will improve.
I also recommend strengthening your core and back because our abdominal and low back muscles are connect to our spine which helps maintain our posture.
Here is a full-body stretching video to improve your mobility and posture:
Tip 24: Exfoliate your lips
Want a more glowy complexion? Consider exfoliating your lips to make them look more plump and fuller.
My lips get dry and flaky depending on the weather, and I know it is not attractive when my lip is peeling (lol).
This vegan, sugar lip scrub is perfect for getting those kissable, full lips!
My friend actually got me this overnight lip sleeping mask for my birthday, and it literally one of my favorite products to use. It smells sooo good, and it seriously keeps my lips hydrated.

Tip 25: Shape your eyebrows
I’ve been seeing an Instagram videos where people use an eyebrow filter that supposedly changes your physical appearance. There is some truth to that.
The shape of your eyebrows can change your appearance. It frames our faces that can either give us a more serious or softer look.
If it’s been a while since you last trimmed your eyebrows, grab a pair of tweezers and pluck any excess hair but make sure you follow your eyebrow shape. If you’d rather get your eyebrows done by a professional, then consider eyebrow threading!
How do I get a mental and physical glow?
If you apply these 25 tips as a glow up challenge, you definitely can get that mental and physical glow up. I’d encourage you to choose a few though from this list and experiment and see how you feel!
At what age do you glow up?
Anyone can glow up at any age. It’s not so much the idea of looking better physically, but more so, how you take care of yourself.
How do you force a glow up?
You can’t force a glow up. You need to want to glow up or else you’re not going to feel good about doing so. Make sure that you want to do it because it’ll make you feel more confident and amazing about yourself!
Final Thoughts
Please remember that the goal of glowing up is the desire to become a better version of yourself.
Glowing up is not about going on a diet, getting a tan once a week, or splurging on clothes. It’s about taking care of yourself, challenging yourself, and choosing to love and accept yourself in the process. I hope this post gave you inspiration on how to glow up mentally and physically for yourself!
Thank you for reading this post! Were there any tips that stuck out to you? Please let me know in the comments below!