8 Simple Self-Care Ideas For Stress And Tough Days
8 self-care ideas when you feel stressed and overwhelmed
Burnt out from a rough day at work? Feeling stressed from a pile of never-ending tasks?
We all have those days – the good, the bad, and the ugly.
And as a recovering people-pleaser, I can get easily mentally drained by people and my environment.
And when I have my very bad days, all I want to do is stay in bed and binge-watch TV shows to avoid my responsibilities and problems.
Obviously, this wasn’t the best way to cope with emotions, so lately, I’ve been trying to practice self-care activities. In this post, I’ll share with you 8 easy self-care ideas for stress and tough days.
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What is self care?
Self care is basically intentionally caring of your mind, body, and soul. You’re essentially taking care of yourself. And you’re probably thinking, Duh, Melanie, I know that. No need to explain.
But, you’d be surprised how often we neglect taking care of ourselves. Some may think self-care is a selfish choice. But how can you take of others if you don’t take of yourself first?
Others may have a distorted view of what self-care is such as giving yourself a bubble bath, putting cucumbers on your eyes, or getting a mani-pedi.
Let me just clarify that there’s nothing wrong with doing those things, but there’s so much more to self-care than what the media portrays it to be.
Whether you need self-care ideas for a rough day or to recharge, these 8 self-care tips will help you rewind!
Self-Care Ideas For Stress And Tough Days

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Tip 1: Go on a walk in nature
According to the American Psychological Association (APA), spending time in nature is linked to both cognitive benefits and improvements in mood, mental health and emotional well-being. Even just hearing sounds in nature can improve your mental health!
I personally love hearing birds chirp early in the morning when I go on a walk. There’s just something so refreshing and rejuvenating being able to be present in nature.
Often times, we can get so wrapped up in the busyness of our schedules that we forget how to be present. In a society that pressures us to always be ‘on the go,’ it can feel weird to take time for ourselves.
This is why we need to start shutting down that narrative and start caring of our wellbeing!
If you don’t regularly take walks as a form of self-care, I highly recommend to start doing this. Even if it’s just 10-15 minutes, I promise you won’t regret doing so.
Tip 2: Do a social media detox
Sometimes, we just need to take a break from scrolling through our phones. When we spend too much time on social media, it’s easy to become addicted to it.
And it’s too easy to get sucked into Instagram reels or TikTok videos. I know I definitely have been caught scrolling for hours. But I realize that the more I am on my phone, the more removed I’m from reality. And I know it’s not a good sign if I feel like I haven’t talked to someone in ages (lol).
That’s why doing a social media detox may be a wise decision if you find yourself constantly on your phone. By doing so, you’re forcing yourself to be more present in your relationships, priorities, and your life in general.
If you need more convincing, here are 25+ benefits of why a social media detox would be good for you!
Related: 28 Productive Things To Do Before Bed Instead Of Social Media
Tip 3: Write down 3 things you’re grateful for
Studies have shown that gratitude can actually rewire your brain to think more positively.
You might be wondering, how does gratitude even tie into self-care?
Practicing gratitude, such as writing 1-3 things you’re grateful for, enhances optimism, lowers levels of anxiety and depression, and improves better quality of sleep.
Essentially, you’re rewiring your brain to think more positively which is a form of self-care.
Practicing gratitude does take time. However, if you make it a consistent habit to write 3 things you’re grateful for in the morning, you’re already taking care of yourself!
Related: Challenge Negative Thoughts: 5 Effective Ways to Change Them

Tip 4: Plan a hangout with a friend
If you’re feeling low or need someone to confide with, a hangout with a friend could make you feel 10x better. Sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up in our thoughts.
But having someone to talk to will make you feel less alone and more present. And if you’re worried about bothering your friend with your problems, take that risk and just ask.
I know it can be scary, but I believe a true, loving friend would try to make time for you. And even if your schedules don’t work out to meet up, ask if you can give them a call.
It doesn’t have to be a long phone call, but I can assure you that just talking to someone will make you feel better!
Related: The Ultimate Guide To Making and Keeping Friends As An Adult
Tip 5: Move your body
I don’t know about you, but if someone told me to workout when I’m feeling anxious or depressed, they will get the death glare from me.
But also, please don’t be that person to say, “Oh, you should workout if you’re feeling this way. Trust me, you’ll feel a lot better.” Like, please be more convincing if you’re going to say it like that (lol).
The reason I put this self-care tip in is because I do believe moving your body is a form of self-care. I’m not saying you got to hit the gym and give me 20 reps of push-ups.
Moving your body can look like stretching, going on a short walk, doing a light jog. Or it can look like taking a boxing class, dancing to a fun song, or doing a short HIIT workout.
Choosing to move your body even when it’s difficult mentally is a form of self-care. However you choose to do so, take care of your body because it is a temple.

Tip 6: Treat yourself to a yummy dinner
Who doesn’t love take out food?! On days when the last thing you want to do is cook a meal, why not treat yourself to takeout from your favorite restaurant!
Trust me, we’ve all had those days. A form of self-care is listening to your emotional needs, as well as your body. Tuning into your desires and needs is a practice of self-care that you can get better at.
If you’ve been craving something lately, go ahead and treat yourself!
Tip 7: Watch your favorite old TV shows
Do you have a TV show that you used to watch as a child? Or a TV show that brings back nostalgia? Studies show that watching our favorite TV shows can be a useful tool when it comes to anxiety and mild depression.
In a way, an old favorite TV show satisfies our ‘nostalgic needs’ and it brings a sense of comfort and familiarity. A rerun of ‘Gilmore Girls,’ ‘Full House,’ or ‘The Brady Brunch’ can bring back some fond, happy childhood memories.
I do caution against excessive binging when it comes to watching TV. It can be really easy to binge watch if you’re not being mindful of how much you’re consuming.
*If you struggle with a TV addiction, I’d advise against practicing this tip as a form of self-care.
The reason I say this is because I’ve struggled with a movie/TV addiction before. Once I started, it was really, really hard to stop. I’m talking like full-day movie marathons and watching a TV show from beginning to end.
I want the best for you, and if this will only feed into a bad habit, then I’d recommend skipping this tip. This leads me to my next point…

Tip 8: Spend time doing something you enjoy
What is something you’ve been wanting to do but felt like you didn’t have enough time or energy to do so? Go do that thing!
Whether it’s building a puzzle, painting, singing, dancing, starting a blog, no one is stopping you from doing it.
Doing something you enjoy is a form of self-care because you’re listening to your needs.
And if you don’t know what you want to do, then this is the perfect time to find out! Experiment with different activities and have fun with them.
Final Thoughts about self care ideas for mental health
I hope you liked this post. If any particular self-care tip stood out to you, let me know in the comments below!
To give a short recap, here are 8 self-care ideas you could start doing:
- Go on a walk in nature
- Do a social media detox
- Write down 3 things you’re grateful for
- Plan a hangout with a friend (or call if it’s more time convenient)
- Move your body
- Treat yourself to a delicious dinner
- Watch your favorite old TV shows (be mindful of excessive consumption)
- Spend time doing something you enjoy
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